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Golf Course & Resort

High populations of midge flies are aesthetically unappealing, a nuisance for groundskeepers, and most importantly, they can be irritating for residents and guests. Strike® products provide easy-to-use midge control for golf course and resort communities, helping to reduce the need for costly repeat applications, limit required maintenance hours, and keep guests and golfers returning for a positive experience.

When applied to golf course lagoons, Strike® products simplify the process involved to maintain a scenic golf experience. Treat resort locations with midge fly nuisance issues, including ornamental ponds, lakes, and other non-swimming aquatic areas.

Formulated for extended holding times, Strike® Midge Fly Control Pellets are ideal for aerial and ground applications. Continued use prevents future golf course and resort infestations of midge flies.

Use Strike® products in golf courses and resorts

Golf Course & Resort

Midge flies can be more than just a nuisance---they can impact the enjoyment and aesthetics of golf courses and resort communities. High populations of these pests can disrupt outdoor activities, cause irritation for residents and guests, and create extra work for groundskeepers.

Strike®: Your Solution for Effective Midge Fly Management

Strike® products offer an efficient and easy-to-use solution for controlling midge flies, ensuring a pleasant environment for everyone. Here's how Strike® can benefit your golf course or resort:

  • Enhanced Guest Experience: Midge flies can be irritating, especially when they swarm around lights and become a nuisance during outdoor activities. Strike® products help keep these pests at bay, ensuring that your guests and golfers have a positive and comfortable experience.
  • Reduced Maintenance Effort: With Strike® products, you can minimize the need for frequent reapplications and extensive maintenance hours. This makes it easier for groundskeepers to manage midge fly populations and maintain the beauty of your facility.
  • Long-Lasting Control: Strike® Midge Fly Control Pellets are formulated for extended effectiveness, making them ideal for both aerial and ground applications. Regular use helps prevent future infestations, keeping your golf course or resort midge-free.

Applications for Optimal Results

  • Golf Courses: Apply Strike® products to lagoons, lakes, and ponds to maintain a pristine and enjoyable golfing environment. Midge flies can interfere with outdoor activities and affect the overall experience. Strike® helps keep these areas under control, ensuring that your golf course remains a top destination.
  • Resorts: For resorts, where relaxation is key, midge flies should not be part of the experience. Treat lagoons, ornamental ponds, lakes, and other non-swimming aquatic areas with Strike® to prevent these pests from disrupting your guests' enjoyment and compromising the resort's ambiance.

Comprehensive Pest Management

Strike® products are designed to address midge fly issues effectively and efficiently, allowing you to focus on providing exceptional experiences for your guests and maintaining the beauty of your grounds. Keep your golf course and resort looking and feeling their best with Strike®.

Strike Pellets product shot

Strike® Pellets  are a convenient option to uniformly treat areas via aerial or ground applications.

Learn more about Strike® Pellets and the complete lineup of midge control solutions.